Slaight Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Program
Children, youth up to age 18, their mental health professional and families can access psychiatric consultation via video conferencing at a location that is the…
One Stop Talk provides single-session counselling support and ensures direct referral to additional services when needed.
Infant and Child
0 – 17 years
No referral required
Children and Youth, Parents/Caregivers
Languages offered:
English, French *Translation possible
Monday – Friday, 12 PM – 8 PM
Saturday, 12 PM – 4 PM
To connect with a therapist
Visit OneStopTalk.caProgram focus: Mental Health
What is One Stop Talk/Parlons maintenant?
One Stop Talk/Parlons maintenant (OST/PM) offers free virtual counselling services and seamless entry into child and youth mental health services across Ontario. The program serves as a single access point to mental health services for children and youth aged 0-17, connecting them with registered and experienced therapists across the province. Our agency’s therapists and an integrated network of province-wide infant, child, and youth mental health agencies support this program.
Service Details
Who can contact One Stop Talk/Parlons maintenant?
When is the service available?
Entry to the service closes 45 minutes before posted closure time to allow all clients to be served by end of service
What can we help with?
No issue is too big or small. If it’s important to you, it’s important to us.
To connect with a therapist, visit or call us at 1 855 416 8255.
To connect with a therapist